I know in my last post I mentioned that that it was my first day of Half Marathon Training...however, that didn't seem to go as planned for various reasons:
*Work Schedule - I started working at 7:30 every day and I'm not a morning person...so getting up at 5am is HARD
*Knee Issues - Old soccer injuries coming back to haunt me
*Heat Advisory - Hard to get motivated to run when it's 100+ degrees with heat index
*Wrong Training Plan - The last training plan was too drawn out and didn't keep me interested...

Regardless...I know these are just excuses and I need to get my butt out of bed and get running or run when I get home from camp.  I decided I'm now going to do the Hal Higdon Half Marathon Training Plan.  I know a few friends that have used this plan and really like it.  I also think I've talked my brother and a few friends into running this race with me.  Knowing there are others counting on me will really make me stay on track with my training.  I think now I just have to register for the race to guarantee that I'll train.

Anyone want to go running with me?
Today was Day 1 of the Half Marathon Training and it was ROUGH!  I don't know if it was the fact that I got up at 6:00 and actually ran before work or if it was the week that I took off from running to recover from my cold, but I was STRUGGLIN' this morning.  When my alarm went off I was really debating just sleeping an extra hour instead of getting up, but I finally convinced myself to get out of bed and get moving.  I figured once I got moving I'd probably wake up and be happy I was running.  I did seem to wake up, but boy was I sloooooow.  I think I'm still battling the ending of this cold and trying to get motivated.  I also think I have this training plan all figured out.  It works out well that Monday is a Rest day and that is the day I have to be at work at 7:30.  All of the other days of the week I don't go in until 8:30 so I just figured I can get up at the same time every day and still be able to get my runs in before work...at least until my mileage increases and I need more than an hour of running time.  I guess we'll burn that bridge when we get there ::Insert Brooks & Dunn Song Here::  It probably is better to run in the morning though instead of trying to run after camp.  I KNOW I won't have motivation to run then.

On another note, camp is going well.  Today was only the 2nd day, but we haven't had any MAJOR catastrophes and everyone seems to be getting along well.  I am excited for tomorrow because it's POOL DAY!  Pool Day is always fun!  Keeping my fingers crossed for no sunburns! :)

Happy 1st Day of Summer!
Tomorrow I'm officially going to begin my training for the Columbus Half Marathon.  I am still very nervous about this one and I'm not quite sure I have what it takes just yet, but I'm going to try it out.  I figure go for it right?  What can it hurt?  Completing this Half Marathon will top off a great 1st year of running for me!  I started running around the end of October 2010 when I decided to run the Jingle Bell Run.  From October 2010 to October 2011 I will have completed Two 5K's, a Warrior Dash, a 10K and now a Half Marathon!  I started this running business with just the thought of trying to possibly run a 5K one day...who would have thought I'd ever attempt a Half Marathon! 
Now to find a running plan that I like...  I think I'll start with the plan on the Columbus Marathon Website and see how that goes...

I may be addicted! :)
Before the Race - Me, Steve and Sarah
This Sunday I reached another one of my running goals!  I ran a 10k!! WOOHOO!!!  After I finished running a few 5k's I decided it was time to try and step up the mileage.  A friend and I were discussing the possibilities for running a 10k and we decided to go for it.  I used the One Hour Runner plan to prepare for the race, however, this race didn't really go as well as I had hoped.  I ran 6 miles the week before the race, so I thought I was good to go and I took a few days off before race day.  On Saturday I started to not feel so great in the evening, but I thought that just relaxing and going to bed early would help me on Sunday.  I woke up Sunday morning with a 100.3 temperature and feeling like death.  (If figures that I didn't get sick ALL school year, and then end up with some cold/fever thing the first week of summer!)  I managed to eat some breakfast and drink some water, but I didn't want to over do it before the race.  I was hoping that once I got moving I'd feel better.  I was really debating if I still wanted to run or not, but I thought about all of the time I spent training, the money that I already paid, and the friends I had running with me and decided to still go for it.  I told myself that if I start feeling really bad I'll just walk.  As the race time approached I was feeling ok, so I just went for it.  Steve, Sarah and Janene were there to run with me and Brooke, my Mom, and Dad came to cheer us on.  I HAD to run with all of these people here to support me. :)  At the start Steve and Sarah were quite a bit faster than me, but I found out that Janene (my new friend from camp) and I pretty much run at the same pace.  We were able to run together and we talked during most of the race.  It was nice having someone to talk to (and actually being able to talk) while running.  I would say the race went well until about Mile 4 when it started to get quite hilly.  Needless to say, we all finished and I only walked through the water stations.  That was my ultimate goal...run the whole time and just finish.  I finished with a time of 1:10:08 and was exhausted but happy to have reached this goal.  Not too long after finishing I started to feel rather crappy again and felt as if I may pass out.  Luckily with lots of water and an oatmeal bar from mom I felt better rather quickly. :)

**What I learned from this experience**
        -Running with a fever is not fun...not sure I'll do that again
        -Now that I'm running more miles I need to pay more attention to what I eat before/during the race
        -I still have a lot to learn about running

Now I'm debating signing up for the Columbus Better Health Half Marathon in October...
PROS  - It's a half marathon!  How awesome would it be to say that I ran that far!
            - As Meghann said, I'd be able to get one of those sweet 13.1 stickers for my Soul!
            - I'd reach another one of my goals
            - If I don't run one in October I'd have to probably wait until the Spring
            - I'd be able to lose some more weight... always a plus

CONS - I'd have to train and add a lot of miles during the hot summer months
           - It's the day after a wedding I'm supposed to go to
           - There's a lot going on this summer...I hope I can commit to the training

The jury is still out...I'll keep you all posted on what I decide.  I'm sure you all are waiting with bated breath.  HAHA

I apologize for my lack of blogging.  I'm still trying to get into the habit of updating this and it hasn't quite caught on yet.  Also the last few weeks have been kind of crazy for multiple reasons.

Reason 1 - School's Out!
I can't believe that I just finished my 4th year of teaching.  I think that this year was actually my favorite of all of my years (No offense to the people I've taught with in the past, we had fun in our own ways!).  At this time last year I was laid off and feeling quite down.  I was even thinking about going back to school and finding a different career.  When I got called back in July and was told I was going to be at Southmoor I was kind of scared.  It's not in the best neighborhood and has a reputation of being one of the worst schools not only in the district, but also in the state.  I thought to myself, "OK, it's a job.  Just do it for one year and then you can interview into other schools."  Little did I know that I'd love it there.  There are some great people that I'm working with and the kids were awesome!  I never dreamed I'd want to stay here, but it's been great.  Thanks to everyone that made it so wonderful!

Reason 2 - WARRIOR DASH!
I don't think words can explain how much fun I had at Warrior Dash!  I've always enjoyed physical challenges and this seemed to be the most extreme of 5ks.  There was actually very little running being done due to the storms the night before that made the course very muddy.  Also the extreme hills down in Logan, OH brought a major challenge.  I recommend everyone try out a Warrior Dash.  You can't be afraid to get muddy and expect to get some bumps and bruises, but I GUARANTEE you will have fun!  Thank you Stacey for running with me and coaching me over the scary high parts.  Check out my pictures page for some good laughs!

Reason 3 - Up-Coming 10k
So after running the 5k on my birthday in May I decided to try out adding mileage and signed up for a 10k.  I really don't know what I was thinking, but I was looking to challenge myself more.  I used the One Hour Runner plan to help train for this and I never thought I'd make it.  Some of these runs were tough, especially since it got up to 90+ degrees really quickly.   During my first 60 minute run on Wednesday I was able to make it 6 miles, so I'm just hoping that on Sunday I will be able to finish the 6.2.  Sunday is the true test!  My ultimate goal is to just finish and run the entire time.  My secondary goal is to get as close to 60 minutes as possible.  I'm not so worried about the time, but we'll see. :) 

I am starting to understand why people love running so much.  I started out just running to lose weight and I thought that if I finish a 5k that would be a miracle and I'd be content.  Now I'm starting to really enjoy it and I feel weird on the days that I don't run.  I enjoy the little adventures I find myself on when I go out for a run.  It's amazing the things you notice about your surroundings when you are running that you'd never notice when driving.   Crazy.
Fred and I before the 5k in Indy! It was WAY too early...
As I continue on my journey of training for a 10k I have hit a few milestones this week.
*I officially committed to actually training for the 10k and finished my first long run of 40 minutes
*I have lost a total of 60.4 lbs as of Monday! :)  Only 12.6 more to go to reach my initial goal! (We'll see if I decide to go any further)

Achieving these goals has really made me realize that I am capable of doing anything.  I have started to realize how I have so much more confidence in myself in almost every aspect of my life.  I feel like I am more social, a better teacher, and much more active.  It's weird how eating better and working out can cause such great changes...WHO KNEW!

This week I also braved some new territory on my long run.  I have decided that I now hate running on a treadmill and I was getting sick of the loop I was running at the park, so I ventured out to a neighborhood by my apt.  In order to get to this different neighborhood I had to spend quite a bit of time on a busy street, which was definitely new for me...dodging cars, no sidewalks, mud puddles...it was definitely different, but a welcome change from the mundane trail I had before.  Now I wonder, where should I run next?

On a sad note...I did see a dead turtle on my run on Sunday. :(  For those of you that didn't know turtles are my all-time favorite animal and it made me a little sad to see him there...belly up, not moving by the side of the road.  Since I was running and didn't really have anything else to think about I just kept running scenarios through my head as to how he got there and how he died.  (Was he hit by a car?  Did he just wander too far from his pond?  Was he someones pet?)

This week my long run will be 45 minutes.  I'm slightly freaking out, because this is about where I gave up the last time I was trying to train for a 10k.  I am not going to be able to give up this time though, because the race is in only about 3 1/2 weeks.  EEK!

P.S. 10 days of school left!

I told Fred to show me his game face...and this is what I got. We'll work on this! :)
Ok...so here I am.  I'm actually starting this blog in the middle of my journey to lose weight and at the beginning of my journey to becoming a runner.  I currently have lost 58lbs in about 7 months and I have finished 2 5ks.  It is currently my goal to lose about 15 more pounds and to increase my mileage and eventually one day run a marathon.

Just this week I was able to run in a 5k with my brother.  This was a very special event for me.  I was happy to have some bonding time with him and we were able to encourage each other as we trained for this race.  I was so proud of him for finishing the race and I only hope he continues to run.

I also turned 27 this past weekend and have started to realize I'm getting dangerously close to the big 3-0.  I officially am making it my goal to run my marathon by the time I'm 30.  During my 26th year of life I started my journey to get in shape and I hope that 27 is one of the best years to date. 

So this is me..this is my journey.  No guarantee that it will be anything too profound, but I hope to be able to document my journey and experiences along the way.

Happy Running :)