I know in my last post I mentioned that that it was my first day of Half Marathon Training...however, that didn't seem to go as planned for various reasons:
*Work Schedule - I started working at 7:30 every day and I'm not a morning person...so getting up at 5am is HARD
*Knee Issues - Old soccer injuries coming back to haunt me
*Heat Advisory - Hard to get motivated to run when it's 100+ degrees with heat index
*Wrong Training Plan - The last training plan was too drawn out and didn't keep me interested...

Regardless...I know these are just excuses and I need to get my butt out of bed and get running or run when I get home from camp.  I decided I'm now going to do the Hal Higdon Half Marathon Training Plan.  I know a few friends that have used this plan and really like it.  I also think I've talked my brother and a few friends into running this race with me.  Knowing there are others counting on me will really make me stay on track with my training.  I think now I just have to register for the race to guarantee that I'll train.

Anyone want to go running with me?
7/24/2011 08:32:02 pm

I do!! :) You got this!


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