I was lucky enough this Spring to have my cousin Mary and her husband Ben ask me to play on their sand volleyball team.  We play at this little volleypark that is behind a bowling alley.  I know it sounds shady, but it really is great!  This was the 3rd week we played and I must admit I am having A LOT of fun!  Our team likes to laugh and joke around during the games, but we also like to play and win.  Our silly antics seem to get under the skin of some of the other teams and it just cracks me up.  The league is so laid back that there aren't even any referees or line judges and yet some teams are taking it so seriously!  It cracks me up when people get so frustrated with us that they don't even shake our hands after the game.  We in no way are disrespectful by any means...just laughing at ourselves and having fun.  It's nice to get outside and have some fun.  Hopefully next week it won't be raining buckets like it was today! :)   

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