I don't know what has come over me lately, but I think I've caught the running bug again.  I know I've been running all along, but it was less than spirited.  However, the last few days I have become addicted again and it's a great feeling.  After my crazy 2 a.m. run on Monday night I ended up being up until 5 a.m.  I don't know what my problem was, but I had no interest in sleeping.  Luckily, Tuesday was the last day of Christmas break so I was able to sleep until about 10:30.  I still felt tired, but made myself get up so that I'd be able to sleep that night.  I actually never stepped foot out of my apartment on Tuesday, but I was rather productive inside.  It was a great way to spend the last day of freedom.

For whatever reason last night I had the brilliant idea to run my 5 miles before going to work tomorrow.  Now, I already get up at 5:30 for work so at my turtles pace I was going to have to get up at 4 a.m. in order to get them done.  Upon discussion with some friends and coworkers and a few questioning my sanity, I decided to give it a shot.  I was informed that there was going to be a pretty sweet meteor shower from 3-5 a.m. so that would at least give me something to look forward to (and apparently increase my science teacher awesome-ness).

I didn't make it to bed until 11 (for some reason I washed my bed sheets as my last load of laundry and had to wait for them to dry) and that made me question the 4 a.m. wake-up call.  To help in the morning I laid out all of my clothes so that I wouldn't have to think too much.  I was able to sleep well until about 3 when I started to worry that I would over sleep and I just laid there until 4.   When the 4:00 alarm went off I had a major internal argument with myself about if this was really a good idea or not, but I forced myself out of bed and got dressed.  I checked the weather and it said it was 19 degrees but feels like 13...fabulous...

Now, I told you about my mom's TruTV addiction and all of the stories that have been pumped into my head about how I'm going to be abducted at any given moment.  Well, mix that with my fear of getting hit by a car when running in the dark and I was a hot mess.  I decided it would be a good idea to stay close to home and just run the neighborhood loop 3.5 times.  The loops is 1.5 miles, so I knew I'd get just past my scheduled 5 miles. 

As I was running I was trying to keep 1 eye on the sky in hopes of seeing a meteor and 1 eye on the icy streets beneath me.  This would be much easier if I were cross eyed, however, thankfully I'm not and I soon gave up hopes on the meteor shower...it was too cloudy to see much anyway.  The 1st lap went well and I was really enjoying myself...the 2nd was a struggle (I was so cold my teeth hurt)...and by the time the 3rd one came around I was really debating if this was a pleasant experience or not. 

After 55 minutes of running and a bit of walking to cool down I made it home before my 5:30 alarm went off.  I took the world's hottest shower and was actually able to sit down and eat my breakfast instead of scarfing it at work before the kids show up. 

I'm still not convinced that I'm going to make early morning runs a part of my regular routine, but they may show up every once in a while.  I may have to branch out of my little apartment neighborhood or I may die of boredom, but we'll see.  I was quite awake and ready to go by the time I got to work so I guess it was a pretty good idea overall. :)

P.S. I guess I don't have to worry too much about getting hit by cars at 4 a.m. because I didn't pass a single car until the last 1/4 mile of my run.
1/4/2012 09:33:54 am

You are ON FIRE these day!! I love it! I, on the other hand, am not, but I think our run this weekend might help with that!

I really will join you on a pre-work run one of these days... hold me to it! :)

1/4/2012 09:53:42 am

I'm looking forward to our run too...I'll try to keep up with you. :) If you are joining me to a pre-work run you may have to hold me to it. LOL


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